Dahlia Tubers
2025 sale opening April 1!
Every season we grow hundreds of dahlia plants and dozens of different varieties of dahlias for cut flowers. Every variety is hand picked by us for its beauty, color, and productivity. In addition to producing beautiful blooms, each dahlia plant also grows several tubers underground that can't survive New England's harsh winters, so we dig them up in the fall to save for the next season. Every year the tubers multiply, so now we have enough to share with all of you for your homes and gardens!
We will be selling our tubers in bags of 1 and 5, or in mixed bags of 10 for the home gardener. If you are a commercial grower interested in larger quantities, you can reach out to Meg at fullwellfarm@gmail.com.
Tubers and dahlia plants are sensitive to frost, therefore our dahlia tubers will not be available for pick up until May. Our dahlia tuber shop will open in late winter, stay tuned!
We will need your email to communicate about pick-up times so PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL when checking out of our store.
Tubers will be packed in brown paper bags with pine shavings. We recommend keeping the tubers in a cool area with good airflow. We store our tubers at 45 degrees. Dahlias may start to sprout if they are kept too warm before planting. You can still plant the tubers with sprouts, but don't wait too long! We are not responsible for any damage/rot/shrivel to the tubers that may occur post-pickup.
Plant your tubers out after all risk of frost has passed, or when the soil has warmed to above 55-degrees. Dahlias can be planted out in a garden or in large pots. We recommend that you do not water your tubers until you start to see green leaves coming out of the ground! That way the tubers don't rot in the ground. Here is a useful guide to dahlia growing, she has a few great books as well!